E-Sport teachings : 10 valuable life lessons we can take from E-Sports

Saket Khopkar
6 min readJul 26, 2021


Esports is a form of competition using video games Esports often takes the form of organized, multiplayer video game competitions, particularly between professional players, individually or as teams. Although organized competitions have long been a part of video game culture, these were largely between amateurs until the late 2000s, when participation by professional gamers and spectatorship in these events through live streaming saw a large surge in popularity. By the 2010s, esports was a significant factor in the video game industry, with many game developers actively designing and providing funding for tournaments and other events.


India ranked 16 on the Forbes list, making it a multi-billion dollar industry. A decade ago, India’s online gaming sector is lame, with only 25 game developers. Today, there are over 250 game developers in the country. Some of the big names in the industry had already invested in India’s gaming sector, such as Tencent, Nazara, Paytm, and Alibaba. The revenue generated in sports mostly came from companies like Oppo and Asus. India has hosted some of the most significant tournaments in esports, such as Free Fire South Asia Regional Tournaments , participated by players from Pakistan, Nepal and Bangladesh.

However, E-Sports does not receive the kind of support it is supposed to be. The main reason being children tend to spend high amount of time around the screen instead of focusing on their curricular activities. Many a times, some petitions have been filled against online gaming that it is highly addictive and must be banned for better good. But that’s not the solution.

Many a times, our reckless behavior and carelessness are one of the top issues but no one admits that. Parents tend to go soft on kids and hand over their mobile phones to kids and not even scolding them is one side of the coin. The other being the immature little kids who lack training and education, figuring out the play the game without knowing it is more than something.

Okay, that’s the Bad side highlighted. But now we are going to focus on the good side of E-Sports. It teaches us the following 10 life lessons that might help us in life too.

  1. Never Repeat the same mistake

It seems obvious that repeating the same error may land you in trouble. Many a times, we tend to commit some mistakes but due to ego, we don’t accept them. One must learn from the mistakes, no matter what it takes.

Take an example, You are battling in online multiplayer game and you see an enemy. You might try to take him down without thinking about the risks or traps set. But if you fell prey to that situation and try not to repeat the error of judgement again, you act smartly and might get success.

2. Always learn form your surroundings, or else you will never progress

Keep an eye on what happens in around you during the gameplay. Loom for the opportunities, assume the risks and take appropriate decisions. If you are in a surrounding where, you are all surrounded by enemies; you tend to take two choices, one is to direct assault which might result in fatalities. The other being more subtle approach like sneaking behind and kill them.

In real life, you might be surrounded by workload of various tasks and other chores. If you choose exhaustive approach like direct assault, you might get tired. But being subtle, managing workload efficiently, can be more good way of handling.

3. Learn from your enemies, they teach you more than your friends

This principle is very applicable in real life. Sometimes your enemies teach you much more effective life lessons as compared to your friends. Try to evaluate their moves. If you do so, there is a chance that you might checkmate them; besides you might learn a new skill in ranks.

In real world, everyone has a secret enemy. Some are known and some are unknown. Learn from them. Take revenge if you want but it is recommended that learn from them and use it to master the tough life of the real world.

4. Practice makes man perfect

Everyone is a noob in starting days. In starting phase, you might spend time to learn how to play and eventually do more mistakes. But after 2–3 years of playing the same game, you might just laugh at yourself.

Nobody starts off being an excellent one around. Everybody is a beginner. But most of the times, people fear with this conception. “What will happen?”, ”What if I fail?” etc. are some obvious questions. Doesn’t matter, if you start poorly, how you finish and leave your mark is what that matters. Continue to practice consistently, you might achieve greater heights.

5. It takes time to be an expert on something, one doesn’t become master overnight

Practically it is impossible to be master in everything. There are many aspects and angles in which you need to think. Remember, never stop learning. As we discussed earlier, Everyone is a beginner. No one starts off as an expert.

In real life too, allow your self a noob/beginner. Even the biggest corporate leaders we witness today started as an employee and climbed to ladder to attain the highest possible level. The thing is also same that they learned from their past mistake and they never stopped learning (in our gaming words, practicing).

6. Overcome your fear, Don’t be afraid of your opponents.

You should never fear your opponents. The moment you fear, you create a doubt of confidence in your mind. This doubt in confidence might hamper your chances of victory and you might fail here.

Same logic applies in our real life. We might face different challenges, toxic people, hardships, etc. The only way to counter these problems is to stay calm, have your focus and most importantly, your confidence. This confidence will help you to overcome your fear and you can face anyone confidently, increasing your chances of betterment.

7. Observe and pinpoint Enemy’s weakness

For survival against all odds, no matter how strong your opponent is, you need to find a weak spot of theirs. This requires high observation skills and the output of weakness is expected in seconds as you will have to waste your time figuring out and facing the opponent simultaneously.

Similarly, when the situation is against all odds against you, think about it, find some weakness; structural, physical , behavioral whatever it might be. Act accordingly and it should yield better results. What say, it might even flip the cards and the situation could be lot more easier for you.

8. Think the situation from enemy’s point of view too; not just yours

Sometimes applying above trick might give you a upper hand. One needs to analyze and think, what would you do if you were in the place of your enemy. Try to study their view and predict what decision he/she might take against you.

Most of the time the prediction turn out to be true. This is one of the important trick that has been used by successful businessmen outsmarting their rivals. This thinking of point of view is mostly used by calm persons who tend to successful in later stages of their life.

9. Everyone dies at some point

It is hard to digest but it is the fact. No matter how strong, powerful and intelligent you are, their is someone always better than you in the world. Never consider yourself superior and go in over-confidence. This might cost you some erratic decisions which will ultimately result in death or some similar fatality.

10. Life is a game ; you either WIN or LOSE

Perhaps the most important point in the list. Your life is like a game and you are protagonist of that game. Take decisions, roam around, acquire knowledge of new skills and level up yourself, just like you do these things to your character in game. You might either get successful results through it or you might fail. But one thing you notice in game is that, even if you fail you tend to try again; but not in life.

Rectifying this mistake of not trying is serious signal. Treat your life as a game, try again and again and again; till you get the desired result. In short “Never Give Up!”



Saket Khopkar
Saket Khopkar

Written by Saket Khopkar

Thinker who loves to express thoughts in form of writing.

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